Ignite an                     
Unquenchable Fire

Create an Unstoppable, Self-Motivating Direct Sales Team with the Sales from WithinTM Keynote.

Sales from WithinTM

Light a Fire in Your Direct Sales Team that Never Goes Out

This transformational keynote on the Sales from WithinTM strategy equips your audience to become self-motivated and achieve their goals by teaching them how to diminish fear and align their beliefs to their desired outcomes.

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This keynote is ideal for sales leaders and teams that:

  • Aren’t experiencing sales growth or achieving rank promotions.
  • Struggle to stay motivated without company incentives, specials, and events.
  • Haven’t taken ownership of their own success.
  • See fear and discouragement as roadblocks rather than challenges that can be overcome.

Your audience will leave with:

  • A crystal clear personal “why” for being part of the company that provides the “will” to take action and strategies for keeping their “why” alive.
  • A better understanding of fear and a 3-step system for diminishing it forever.
  • Two powerful practices for cultivating a self-motivating mindset that aligns their personal beliefs with their goals and propels them to action.
  • A belief in their own limitless possibilities as they adopt the practices followed by the most successful people in the world.
  • A proven strategy they can use to achieve goals in any area of their lives.
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About Melissa Soete

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About Melissa

Hi. I'm

Over an adventurous life and blockbuster career, I learned to rely on what I call the “Green Light Mindset” to set bold goals, move past barriers, and achieve remarkable results.

My story started similar to most direct sellers; I experienced a great product, saw the business I could create for myself, and ambitiously set out to make it happen!

In less than a year, I was ready to quit.

No matter how hard I tried to succeed in the business, it just wasn’t working for me. It was only then that I decided to rely on a mindset training I had learned in order to complete one of the most challenging races in the world; The Iron Man Championship in Kona, Hawaii. The mindset training changed EVERYTHING.

It empowered me to scale my business to over 6-figures and train others to do the same. Using the same system, I began working with companies to create similar results. Most recently, I helped a direct-selling company grow by $600 Million in three years.

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My passion is to help you build a system that lights a fire in your direct sellers that never goes out. As they build an unshakable mindset, they will build the life of their dreams. And as they do, the company will scale like never before.

Let’s make it happen together!

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Lead Magnet 3D Cover mobile-min

Free Download

4 Touchpoints for Nurturing Your Sales Team's Belief in the Company and Themselves

Top strategies to help your sales teams increase the belief in the company and themselves with every touchpoint.

Lead Magnet

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Discovery Session

Find out how Melissa can best help you advance your goals by scheduling a free 30-minute Discovery Session.

About Melissa Soete

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